Monday, February 2, 2009

so true.

this is so touching...

u guys should really go and see this.

what struck me the most was...

we need to understand

that we cannot make others love us.

but to let ourselves be loved.

great life principle.

its like, all our lives...
we feel unloved.
always trying every method to feel loved.

yet, the only way was to be lovable.

it speaks great truth.

there was another one,

it takes a few seconds to open

profound wounds in someone you love,


it takes years to heal.

you never know,
what your words can do.
you never know,
how that person is bleeding inside.
you never know,
how much it hurt.

cause' all it took for you
was a tantrum and daggers of words.

i've learnt another principle too,

for guys and gals to be best friends,

have to find each other repulsive.

so true.

without repulsiveness between each other,
you'll practically be more than best friends.

so guys, as a good friend,
i think i should tell you frankly,
i find u repulsive! haha.



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