Thursday, January 21, 2010

life goes on?

that was certainly a wake up call for me.
who knew?
they/ we arent even adults yet.
they still had a bright future ahead of them.
that's what i assume.
its always the case
we plan plan plan for the next 10,15 years
when you dont even know when your time is up.
funny huh?

really makes me ponder.
am i focusing too much of the worldly things that arent eternal,
till i forget to focus on fulfilling my purpose in life as His follower,
before i reach my expiry date?
am i treating it as a norm to assume i'd live up to 80 and
have dozens of grandchildren,
till i think its unimportant to act now?

its time to get things straight.

1 Comment:

  1. Diamond said...
    O goodness! It's like you wrote this poem for me! The words are so, so profound it made me think about a lot of issues that I've been having...especially about planning for the next 10,15 years...
    thanks so much for sharing, was a very inspirational read! xxx

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