Friday, May 22, 2009

sleep was not much of a luxury for me.
i would rather do some stuff sometimes
or i just sleep straightaway once my head touches the pillow.

after experiencing only 20 hours of sleep for 5 nights.
i need sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay, imagine me, studying.
my eyelids start to droop.
so i say to myself , : ''its ok, just close my eyes for a while."
i literally sleep upright and my head starts to sway in circles.
i open my eyes again, slap myself a bit.
and the cycle repeats again till i get myself a big cup of thick nescafe.
i think i'm addicted...
really need to deaddict myself during the hols.

somebody asked me, what motivates you to study?
i thought it over.
to my horror,im not joking, i was horrified.
all my years i studied for the exam was because i kia-su...
and it wasnt because i was really interested or i wanted to know more....
this is bad...
and i have one more week of exams to go.
really need my kia-suism now!

1 Comment:

  1. cy said...
    NOT FAIR!! You dont let me drink coffee but you drink so muchh!! =(

    angry rabbit

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